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Winterize Your Tennessee Home With a Home Alarm Installation!


Let’s Look at Some Reasons Why Now’s the Right Time to Upgrade Your Security

Homeowners often begin their “winterization” projects as early as possible. As Franklin-area residents are finding the coziest way to hibernate, they might start by setting up the smart home devices they received as holiday gifts, sealing drafty windows or investing in motorized shades to keep them warm.

We also advise you to install an alarm system around this time. As you’ll see below, we’re in peak season for pipe freezes, house fires and lingering porch piracy. Get ahead of the season’s risks with home alarm installations that will manage natural risks and criminal activity while offering another enticing perk. Keep reading to learn more.

Control4 Neeo Remote Brings Power, Precision to Your Smart Home


New hardware uses touchscreen and buttons to bring greater simplicity to home automation

With all of the flashy systems and shiny components that make up your home automation system, one device risks falling through the cracks: The humble remote control. No matter how powerful the devices in your home are, if you can’t easily get them to do what you want, you’ll find yourself frustrated. You want a control device that’s sleek and well-designed, but also gives you quick and easy access to any system you want.

Enter the latest offering from Control4: The Neeo remote. The Neeo remote is built to harness and expand the capabilities offered by Control4’s recent OS 3 software update. With a beautiful design and powerful software, the Neeo is a must-have for anyone who currently has or is looking into a Control4 system. As a Control4 dealer, we can walk you through exactly how the Neeo benefits smart home residents in the Hendersonville, TN region.

3 Smart Home Security System Features You Need to Consider


Don’t Skimp on These Features for Your Spring Hill Home

When you consider a new or upgraded smart home security solution for your home, your system should include the basics like surveillance cameras and system monitoring. Still, there are other considerations to make when selecting a system. From the method of data storage to how to arm and disarm your system, there are several options available on the market.

Symspire is your local Tennessee security specialist, and we can help you choose the best security features for your Spring Hill area home. Keep reading to learn three features you should incorporate.

Why You Should Hire a Local Home Security Monitoring Company


Protect Your Hendersonville, TN Home by Working with a Local Professional

When you’re away from your Tennessee home for long periods of time, how do you keep your home safe? Do you have a friend check on your home while you’re away, or do you have a contract with a large, impersonal security company? You can do better than that!

By choosing a local security company like Symspire for your home security monitoring services, you will receive a custom-built solution for your Hendersonville, TN property. Those things that are valuable to you will remain safe, whether you’re away for the day at work or on a long-term vacation.

Keep reading to learn more about how home security monitoring can keep your valuables protected and give you peace of mind.

3 Reasons Why Consumers Want Whole-House Audio Systems


Create more appealing homes for your customers by including the latest in audio technology

William Shakespeare once described music as “the food of love,” and there’s no denying how music can shape our mood throughout the day. With that in mind, it’s no wonder that whole-home audio systems are extremely popular in smart homes.

Music can calm us, energize us, and more, so why not make it easier for your customers to enjoy their music in more ways and in more places around their home? Here are three ways builders can provide a better lifestyle for their clients by incorporating whole-house audio systems in their new homes in the Franklin, TN region.

Introduction to Home Surveillance Camera Footage


Learn How You Can Manage Your Captured Video and More!

We’ve talked in detail about how a surveillance camera installation works when you’re looking at it externally, such as how we place them, how to select between common camera types and how we integrate them with your whole-home automation suite.

But how do these cameras assist families living in Brentwood, TN, homes? Now it’s time to take a more behind-the-scenes look at how these devices store information. Specifically, we’ll talk about how video storage works and benefits you, as well as some information regarding local vs. cloud storage and more. Stay tuned!

Does Your Custom Security System Have Everything You Need?


We’ll Provide a Checklist to Ensure Your System Fully Covers You.

We cover a plethora of custom security system topics on our blog, from cameras to environmental sensors to staffed monitoring. Since we do this for a living, the various components all make sense to us. We understand almost intuitively which security tools suit your family.

However, in this blog, we’ll focus on you and your family by explaining what you might need in more practical terms and providing a comprehensive checklist for when you’re ready to get started on your security installation. Ready to learn what your Nashville, TN, home’s security suite might be missing? Glance through our checklist for some ideas.

Hire an Integrator to Build Your Dream Home Theater


Harness our expertise to create a beautiful, comfortable viewing space with superior video and audio quality

A home theater isn’t like any other room in your home. It’s designed for a specific purpose: To give you the best video and auditory experience possible in a pristine environment. Creating a space like this is a substantial investment on your part, and it requires specific expertise with the high-end components you’ll need.

If you’re going to embark on a project like this, it’s important to get professional help from a knowledgeable partner. Here’s why you want to hire an integrator like Symspire to handle the home theater design and installation for your Hendersonville, TN home.

3 Reasons to Pre-Wire Your Home Security Monitoring System


Building New? We Recommend Adding Security and Surveillance ASAP.

You’ve just found the perfect place to build your home near Franklin, TN. You’ve already done much of the grunt work by investigating all the nearby schools and joining some community groups. You’ve also spent hours coordinating with architects, builders and designers to ensure that every detail goes to plan. If you’re trying to build peace of mind into your smart home design, we think you need to take one more critical step before the walls go up.

Though you can find high-quality wireless solutions for your smart home or retrofit your hardwiring project later, we don’t recommend either. You’ll save time, money and hassle by doing it now. We’ll walk you through three benefits of prewiring your home security monitoring below, so stay tuned.

3 Ways Our Home Alarm and Security Installations Weather Storms


How We Protect Your Tennessee Home During Storms

It seems that just yesterday, Nashville received warning about an incoming F3 tornado. For many, that warning came too late; an estimated two dozen people died, and even more were injured. Soon, we saw #PrayforNashville become one of the most sweeping social media trends as people in our community posted images of their destroyed homes and businesses for the world to see.

According to the National Severe Storms Laboratory, an average of 1,200 tornadoes occur every year in the United States, so homeowners need to be prepared at a moment’s notice. Here in Middle Tennessee, we deal with plenty of adverse weather activity, from tornadoes to floods to fires. How can your home alarm installation and security tools help you protect against dangerous spring storms and other incidentals? In this blog, we’ll explain not only how our alarm and security installations benefit you but also how they’ve proven immune to storm damage.

Safety Precautions Taken by Symspire in Response to COVID-19


The team at Symspire is keeping an eye on all the latest news about the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States and around the world, and we are taking all necessary precautions to keep our employees, clients and community safe during this time. Health precautions and protocols in line with WHO and CDC directives are taking place throughout our organization to reduce the spread of disease. Every day our team reviews up-to-date recommendations to ensure we’re doing everything to curb the spread of COVID-19.

3 Ways a Surveillance Camera Installation Can Protect You Now


Safety Counts More Than Ever During This Uncertain Time

The middle of March felt surreal for many people in Nashville, the United States and much of the world. We started the month with a booming economy and warmer days. Some of us had vacations planned; we looked forward to family gatherings, spring weddings and graduations — until the words “National Emergency” clouded our screens and disrupted our lives.

During this uncertain time, we’ve learned the value of being prepared, and that goes far beyond stocking your home with toilet paper. We recommend contacting Symspire to bolster your home security now with a surveillance camera installation that lets you monitor every corner of your property while helping you navigate this new normal. Keep reading for three reasons why this security tool provides the key to peace of mind, convenience and social distancing adherence for your Tennessee home. 

Why You Need a Home Alarm Installation More Than Ever


Summer and Pandemics Pose Additional Risk: Here’s How Alarms Can Help

Even in Brentwood, Tennessee’s most high-cost neighborhoods, crime can happen when you least expect it and usually with zero notice. Also, keep in mind a statistic we found in an FBI report: Around every 15 seconds, a burglary occurs in the U.S. Another shocking stat: Those without a monitored alarm system are three times more likely to experience a break-in than someone with a system.

That’s why we at Symspire always recommend a reliable, easy-to-use system that homeowners can trust around the clock and throughout the year. We’d be remiss not to inform you that certain seasons and conditions bring higher risks than others, and now is not the time to skip a home alarm installation. Keep reading to learn why and how an alarm system can ease your mind and protect your family.

Enjoy the Unique Perks of Whole-House Audio


Learn How Whole-House Audio Can Enhance Your Home’s Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

Listening to content is a favorite pastime for many of us. Whether it’s putting on a news podcast while drinking your morning coffee or playing high-energy tunes while doing a workout, audio can enrich many of our day-to-day routines. With whole-house audio, you and your family can enjoy all types of content together and make it easier than ever to control.

Here’s how whole-house audio can transform your entire Brentwood, TN, home and improve everyday moments.

Home Security and Monitoring: Then and Now


From “Door Shakers” to Video Doorbells and More

Usually we focus our blogs on the here-and-now applications of smart home security systems – from their benefits to certain brands to ideal applications within Spring Hill, TN, homes like yours.

Today, however, we’ll look into security from a broader perspective to see how it fits into history. As it stands, we can press one button or speak one command into our automated home security monitoring systems and watch as it responds within milliseconds. But we didn’t just wake up one day to security systems this robust.

Every modern innovation got its start somewhere, and today we’ll examine how home security and monitoring developed over the years and what we expect to see in the future. Take this quick tour of how security systems developed and have since developed into new, unexpected territories.

Forward-Thinking Ways to Enhance Your Custom Security System


Get More From Your Home Security, Right When You Most Need It

The year 2020 has proven how unpredictable the world can be, and interest in custom security systems and related products keeps climbing. As a home security company that’s laser focused on tailoring our installations to clients, we encourage you to invest in a system that is customized to meet all your current needs and is scalable enough to anticipate future objectives. You can’t easily accomplish both goals when you DIY an out-of-the-box solution.

A couple of years ago, we wouldn’t have been able to predict that so many sweeping changes would affect the Thompson’s Station community, the state of Tennessee or the world at large. But we also wouldn’t have seen so many exciting developments coming to the security industry to help mitigate this uncertainty. Read on to see what’s ahead and how you can upgrade your security and surveillance gear now.

4 Reasons You Should Enlist Experts for Your Outdoor AV System


Don’t DIY This Tricky Installation: Here’s Why!

Many people feel torn between staying inside to watch their movies and shows or venturing outside to enjoy the fresh air. Because we’ve covered this topic in previous blogs, you probably know by now that you don’t need to sacrifice either when you get an outdoor AV system for your Hendersonville, TN, home.

After all, you couldn’t find a more ideal time to get a new outdoor AV system if you tried. The weather feels balmy enough for the pool during the day and chilly enough for patio sitting with wine at night. Social distancing measures still limit your activities somewhat, driving you to finish the shows you started while isolating. However, with the restrictions lifting slowly, you’re likely planning your Labor Day soirées and dinner parties now. All of these activities are more fun outside.

So, the most efficient solution is to install an outdoor AV system yourself, right? We have seen countless DIY projects gone wrong during our decades of industry experience, and we don’t want that to happen to you. Keep reading to learn why you’ll likely be disappointed with your AV quality if you don’t use an integrator.

3 Home Theater Design Mistakes to Avoid


And How Your Instincts and Common Wisdom May Mislead You

When we start building a home theater design concept, form and function are not only crucial but interrelated. A theater or media room can look attractive, but if the technology is difficult to use, it detracts from the aesthetic. No one wants to spend time in an unsightly entertainment space, even if you invested a lot into the technology.

Symspire looks at the big picture when creating home theaters to avoid major pitfalls that we constantly see in the entertainment spaces we upgrade. Home theaters have many variables that require a professional’s touch – room specifications, design needs, wiring, acoustics, lighting and countless other factors determine a room’s form and functionality. An expert integrator can also bypass some design myths that perpetuate unattractive or poorly functioning spaces. Keep reading to see which of these misconceptions you’ve heard before.

How Smart Home Security Helps Aging Loved Ones


Support Aging-in-Place Lifestyles With Technology

Seniors live with more risks overshadowing their daily activities. That’s why many seniors or their caretakers choose communities where the elderly can receive constant supervision. However, according to an study, 87% of seniors want to stay in their homes as they age, but they share fears about mobility, feeding themselves and staying safe.

This more recent lifestyle choice is commonly called “living in place.” Instead of heading off to a nursing home or elderly community, living in place gives older people the opportunity to spend their advanced years where they feel most comfortable –

at home. Find out how that’s possible with some integrated smart home security technologies that we install and customize right here in Spring Hill, Tennessee.

Surveillance Camera Installation 101: Where NOT to Place a Camera


How To Always Protect Privacy When Installing Cameras

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some “do’s” of camera placement: near front doors, in garages, close to prominent side entrances. However, in this blog, we will note that the “don’ts” are also vitally important to something as complex and intelligent as surveillance cameras.

Making one of these security mistakes is easier than we’d like to admit when you’re trying to DIY your surveillance camera installation. And one small mistake could quickly land a homeowner in serious legal trouble.

Today, we’ll teach you what not to do when you’re responsibly protecting your Nashville, TN, home and what our professionals do instead.




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