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Winter is No Match for a Control4 System


Using Automation to Beat the Winter Doldrums

The winter months are here. Cold weather, shorter days, and the sun setting before dinnertime are just a few qualities of the season that can have an effect on your moods. But did you know that your smart home automation system can help you combat the winter blues that many of us in Brentwood, TN try to avoid each year?

With a Control4 system, it’s possible to utilize your home’s smart devices to support your wellness not only during the cooler winter months but year-round as well! Read on below to learn about two smart home solutions that you can incorporate into your Control4 system in order to make this season more enjoyable.

Why We Love Alarm.Com Monitoring Services

Symspire is a Proud Authorized Dealer

While 2020 has not been a typical year, it’s certainly been a year for the record books! Now that the year is coming to a close, we at Symspire find ourselves reflecting upon things we are thankful for. We encourage our readers to do the same! The holiday season is always an excellent time for this kind of reflection, and it’s essential to include your safety and wellbeing on your gratitude list.

Homeowners make great efforts to incorporate alarm systems, surveillance cameras, and other components of a smart security system on their property. Still, one aspect that’s often overlooked is the inclusion of security monitoring. Security installation is only one step. Homeowners can continue protecting those people and things they are thankful for with alarm monitoring services from Symspire in and near Lebanon, TN.

Keep reading below to learn two reasons why we love partnering with to increase our clients’ peace of mind.

How Do You Feel About Distractions?


Determine If A Home Theater or Media Room Is Best for Your Home

Are you a Netflix binger or a classic film connoisseur? Then you’ve likely thought of upgrading your home’s AV to support an engaging TV and movie-watching experience.

Do you prefer a dark room with limited lighting and movieplex seating? Or do you like to lounge while the kids play a video game or board game nearby? Your answer to these questions can help you narrow down which type of space would better suit you and your family. Your tolerance for distractions is the true measuring stick of which entertainment design is best.

Keep reading below to learn how we, as the leading home theater company in Brentwood, TN, strive to consistently bring the latest high-performance audio/video components to our clients’ homes, whether it be a media room or home cinema space.

Home Automation Gift Ideas for a ‘Smart’ Holiday Season


Smart Gadgets & Systems Tennessee Homeowners Love

Are you looking for a special, useful gift to share with a loved one this holiday? Maybe you want to find something they’ll never forget—but are feeling a little stumped. And if your relative or friend has a December birthday, there’s even more pressure to think creatively.

If you’re searching for something they’ll use in their daily life, have you considered a device they can pair with whole home automation? Whether they’re new to smart technology or already have a Control4 system in their Murfreesboro, TN-area home, get inspired by these automated gift ideas.

What Architects & Designers Need to Know About Smart Security


Give Your Clients the Technology They Really Want

“Security is not an add-on; rather it’s thinking holistically about a building site or concept,” says Patrick Gilbert, AIA, a senior architect with Gresham, Smith, and Partners.

If you’re an architect or designer in the Lebanon, TN area, it’s time to start thinking about security. While many homeowners will install smart technology after they’ve moved in, the best move is to install a security system before construction is complete. For the forward-thinking client, a new home build should already include planning and wiring for home automation.

As a home security company based in Middle Tennessee, we’ll share why it’s valuable to include a security camera installation into your design plans and how we can be of service to your future design projects.

Builders: 3 Reasons Now Is the Time to Install a Multi-Room Speaker System


Bring modern homebuyers a top-wanted feature!

Nashville-area builders are always looking for ways to enhance their new constructions. No discriminating shopper is looking for a cookie-cutter home, especially now that smart home features are the new normal across Middle Tennessee. Did you know that more than half of residential spaces are expected to be smart in the next couple of years?

That’s good news for entertainment seekers because connected speakers, smart TVs and streaming services integrate with smart home automation systems, like Control4, giving users a luxurious way to control distinct AV zones from one app and play, pause and adjust anytime, anywhere in their home. The downside of all this available technology is that some brave homeowners attempt to install it themselves, leading to miswiring, damaged walls and countless expenses.

Impress your high-value customers by adding multi-room speaker systems. Keep reading to see why now is the right time to convince your clients to try distributed audio.

FAQs About Working With a Smart Home Company


You’ve Found Middle Tennessee’s Best Integrator, Entertainment and Security Specialist. Now What?

Homeowners and buyers today have heard about smart home technology pretty frequently over the last decade. At this point, you either have integrated devices in your Hendersonville, TN, home or know someone who does.

If you’ve benefited from a professional touch when installing your smart home, you’ve experienced the convenience of meeting with a smart home company that has your unique needs and lifestyle in mind and works tirelessly to get your customizations right for you. If you worked with Symspire, you never had to worry about an installation going wrong with no one there to fix it, or someone steering you in the wrong direction with product guidance.

But maybe you don’t have that background and you’re still curious about smart home technology or Symspire’s offerings in general. If that’s you, read on for some frequently asked questions about our company and how we can help Nashville-area homeowners, as well as business owners, architects, builders and more.

How Do Alarm Monitoring Services Work?


Comparing Self-Monitoring and Professional Alarm Services

If there’s one truth to life, it’s that it’s often unpredictable. But with alarm monitoring services, you’ll always be a little bit more prepared for life’s challenges. Whether it’s a late-night intruder or a leak in the basement while you’re out of town, you’ll be informed within minutes, if not immediately.

But what are alarm monitoring services, and how will they work in your Gallatin, TN, home? Is it always necessary to hire a professional service? We’ll answer all your questions below.

The 4 C’s of Control4


Why Is This Innovative Solution the Secret to Your Whole Home Automation?

Whether you’re new to the Brentwood, TN, area, or hoping to upgrade a home you’ve lived in for a while, whole-home automation can turn everyday living into a luxury experience. The industry has a few top-name integrated home options and countless DIY tools, but nothing we’ve found rivals the user experience and comprehensive functionalities of Control4, and we’re about to reveal why.

When you collaborate with a certified Control4 dealer like Symspire, you take advantage of our expert guidance on technology and solutions for your Brentwood, TN home. Ready to find out more? Check out the four C’s of working with Control4!

Why Choose a Professional Home Theater Company? 4 Key Reasons


Don’t Settle for a DIY Build of This High-Potential Space

Many people dream of installing a home theater in their Tennessee homes. Now that you have fewer opportunities to enjoy Nashville’s live entertainment, and you might feel less comfortable going to the cineplex, look more closely into what you can enjoy at home.

But before you rush out to buy and install a big TV or the most expensive speakers that big-box store salespeople convince you to take home, we suggest at least talking to the experts at Middle Tennessee’s premium home theater company, Symspire. Read on for four convincing reasons why you should work with a professional AV specialist for this critical space.

Introducing Our Franklin, TN, Showroom!


Don’t Miss Your Chance to See Our Immersive, Walk-In Demo Space

Our growth-oriented team at Symspire is always looking to expand, and sometimes that means opening a brand-new showroom! We are now welcoming guests into our interactive, walk-in experience center in Franklin, TN, featuring our top-selling, highest-rated brands.

We are proud to announce our new Franklin experience center is in the Cool Springs area at 9100 Carothers Parkway, Suite 107. The showroom is open to the public, with no appointments required.

Here’s what Symspire’s Tom Lundborg, Jr., Partner, has to say about this new experience center: “Our new Cool Springs Experience Center is invaluable for consumers to see the latest possibilities in security, smart home, as well as fast, managed, home networks and audio-video technologies. They can easily understand and make accurate decisions on what options will enhance their lifestyle. When it comes to home technology, seeing, hearing and touching is crucial to fully understand and make the best decisions. When our new clients leave, they know what they want and what to expect after our technicians complete their installation.”

Can Your Smart Security Camera System Promote Wellness?


Why Your Murfreesboro, TN Home Needs Surveillance Equipment Now

Though many factors remain constant when you’re designing your home security setup — like a smart security camera installation, integrated control and alarms — our changing world requires us to think bigger. Six months ago, we might have missed any correlation between wellness and security, but now we know that there’s a health-focused facet of, well, nearly everything. Keep reading to see how your home security can influence your emotional, and even physical, wellbeing.

The 2 Types of Homes That Need a Residential Electric Contractor’s Help


Plus, How Brentwood’s Top Professionals Can Impact Your Home’s Safety and Functionality

A professional electrical infrastructure is key to a high-functioning and safe smart home. All the flashy features that comprise an integrated home often take precedence over the humble wiring, but don’t overlook your home’s “smart” foundation — whether you’re building or upgrading!

Symspire’s expert residential electric contractors know the ins and outs of both the electrical side and AV side of the job – so you only have to call one trusted source for any need that arises. Symspire can assist with your electrical needs if you haven’t implemented smart home technology yet.

Though every home could use a professional’s opinion when gauging electrical needs, two particular types of homes need updates more urgently. Curious? Read on to see if you own one of the home types we discuss below!

A Few Creative Ways to Enjoy Your Control4 System


From Entertainment to Security, Control4 Innovates Daily Life

Control4 systems have been favorites in the home automation market, and for many good reasons. Their ease of use and expansive integration ecosystem provide unmatched results in Gallatin-area homes.

The new-and-improved operating system, the Smart Home OS 3 (more commonly called simply OS 3), provides some of the most seamless entertainment capabilities we’ve seen yet, including the Active Media Bar that lets you swipe through endless high-fidelity tracks and control what you want to play in every room from any screen.

Control4 users rave about their installations, but as expert integrators, we think that their Control4 systems still have untapped potential. Curious to learn how else you could utilize this technology in your Tennessee home? See for yourself below!

3 Home Theater Design Mistakes to Avoid


And How Your Instincts and Common Wisdom May Mislead You

When we start building a home theater design concept, form and function are not only crucial but interrelated. A theater or media room can look attractive, but if the technology is difficult to use, it detracts from the aesthetic. No one wants to spend time in an unsightly entertainment space, even if you invested a lot into the technology.

Symspire looks at the big picture when creating home theaters to avoid major pitfalls that we constantly see in the entertainment spaces we upgrade. Home theaters have many variables that require a professional’s touch – room specifications, design needs, wiring, acoustics, lighting and countless other factors determine a room’s form and functionality. An expert integrator can also bypass some design myths that perpetuate unattractive or poorly functioning spaces. Keep reading to see which of these misconceptions you’ve heard before.

Surveillance Camera Installation 101: Where NOT to Place a Camera


How To Always Protect Privacy When Installing Cameras

In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some “do’s” of camera placement: near front doors, in garages, close to prominent side entrances. However, in this blog, we will note that the “don’ts” are also vitally important to something as complex and intelligent as surveillance cameras.

Making one of these security mistakes is easier than we’d like to admit when you’re trying to DIY your surveillance camera installation. And one small mistake could quickly land a homeowner in serious legal trouble.

Today, we’ll teach you what not to do when you’re responsibly protecting your Nashville, TN, home and what our professionals do instead.

How Smart Home Security Helps Aging Loved Ones


Support Aging-in-Place Lifestyles With Technology

Seniors live with more risks overshadowing their daily activities. That’s why many seniors or their caretakers choose communities where the elderly can receive constant supervision. However, according to an study, 87% of seniors want to stay in their homes as they age, but they share fears about mobility, feeding themselves and staying safe.

This more recent lifestyle choice is commonly called “living in place.” Instead of heading off to a nursing home or elderly community, living in place gives older people the opportunity to spend their advanced years where they feel most comfortable –

at home. Find out how that’s possible with some integrated smart home security technologies that we install and customize right here in Spring Hill, Tennessee.

Forward-Thinking Ways to Enhance Your Custom Security System


Get More From Your Home Security, Right When You Most Need It

The year 2020 has proven how unpredictable the world can be, and interest in custom security systems and related products keeps climbing. As a home security company that’s laser focused on tailoring our installations to clients, we encourage you to invest in a system that is customized to meet all your current needs and is scalable enough to anticipate future objectives. You can’t easily accomplish both goals when you DIY an out-of-the-box solution.

A couple of years ago, we wouldn’t have been able to predict that so many sweeping changes would affect the Thompson’s Station community, the state of Tennessee or the world at large. But we also wouldn’t have seen so many exciting developments coming to the security industry to help mitigate this uncertainty. Read on to see what’s ahead and how you can upgrade your security and surveillance gear now.

4 Reasons You Should Enlist Experts for Your Outdoor AV System


Don’t DIY This Tricky Installation: Here’s Why!

Many people feel torn between staying inside to watch their movies and shows or venturing outside to enjoy the fresh air. Because we’ve covered this topic in previous blogs, you probably know by now that you don’t need to sacrifice either when you get an outdoor AV system for your Hendersonville, TN, home.

After all, you couldn’t find a more ideal time to get a new outdoor AV system if you tried. The weather feels balmy enough for the pool during the day and chilly enough for patio sitting with wine at night. Social distancing measures still limit your activities somewhat, driving you to finish the shows you started while isolating. However, with the restrictions lifting slowly, you’re likely planning your Labor Day soirées and dinner parties now. All of these activities are more fun outside.

So, the most efficient solution is to install an outdoor AV system yourself, right? We have seen countless DIY projects gone wrong during our decades of industry experience, and we don’t want that to happen to you. Keep reading to learn why you’ll likely be disappointed with your AV quality if you don’t use an integrator.

Home Security and Monitoring: Then and Now


From “Door Shakers” to Video Doorbells and More

Usually we focus our blogs on the here-and-now applications of smart home security systems – from their benefits to certain brands to ideal applications within Spring Hill, TN, homes like yours.

Today, however, we’ll look into security from a broader perspective to see how it fits into history. As it stands, we can press one button or speak one command into our automated home security monitoring systems and watch as it responds within milliseconds. But we didn’t just wake up one day to security systems this robust.

Every modern innovation got its start somewhere, and today we’ll examine how home security and monitoring developed over the years and what we expect to see in the future. Take this quick tour of how security systems developed and have since developed into new, unexpected territories.




  • 9015 Overlook Blvd | Brentwood, TN 37027
  • 10932 Murdock Drive, Suite 103-A | Knoxville, TN 37932
  • 9100 Carothers Parkway, Suite 107 | Franklin, TN 37067
  • Bowling Green, KY | Coming Soon!
  • Huntsville, AL | Coming Soon!

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